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Class of '67 Alumni Directory
If you want your address and/or email address shown please email us so we can include it here.
A + sign before your name means that we do not have your address. Please let us know what it is so we can keep in touch.
** Deceased
Phone Number
E Mail
Noreen Ethel White (Noreen Adams)
+ Sandra Iona White
+ Sandra Sue White
Wayne White
+ Karen Jane Whited
Regina Lucille Whited (Regina L. Sturms)
Steven Lee Whited
Sue Ann Whited (Sue Maher) **
Dallas Denton Whiting
Diana Lynn Whitlatch
Jane Elizabeth Whitlatch
744 Woodland Road, Bradfordwoods, PA 15015
Richard Michael Whitlatch **
Mary Christine Whitston
Kathy Shay Wiant
+ Bonnie Sue Wigal
Curtis James Wigal
Lynda Lou Wigal (Lynda Maley)
Beverly Ann Wilcox
Ray Clifford Wilcox
Pamela Jean Wilhelm (Pamela J. Gragg)
Charles David Williams
James Wayne Williams **
Jay Vincent Williams
Rhonda Jean Williams (Rhonda Stone)
PO Box 4006, Parkersburg, WV 26104
Sherry Lynn Williams
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